We're more than just a club, we're an 'ohana...

Welina mai!

Mahalo for dropping in & welcome to BYUH Hawaiian Club's blog site. We hope you'll "surf" here often to check out the latest happenings with our H.C. 'Ohana!

Hawaiian Club Calendar

E Hele Mai! Please join us!


Weds. thru Fri., Sept. 23, 24, 25
10 am to 3 pm.
Aloha Ctr. Mall
Join our 'ohana for just $3 this semester.
Questions? Please email byuhhawaiianclub@gmail.com

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Hawaiian Language & Hula, Tuesday, 9 pm McKay 175

Please join us - Tuesday, October 9th
McKay 175
9 pm - Hawaiian Language
10 pm - Hula (guys & girls)
Please join us for our last full evening of Cultural Workshops before we start SongFest practices this Thursday @ 9 pm in McKay 175.

SongFest Practices will be every Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9-10 pm in McKay 175. Thereafter, from 10-11 pm, we'll have Hawaiian Language, Hula, or possibly another activity.

Questions? Want to become a member?
Email us at byuhhawaiianclub@gmail.com

See you there!

We're Glad You're A Part of Our Growing 'Ohana

Our Hawaiian Club 'ohana is growing each day. It's such an awesome thing to see our inbox filled with messages such as these:

-- "Aloha, I came to the hawaiian club last night and really enjoyed it. I would like to join and ask for the information that i need to do it. Y'all are awesome!"
-- "Aloha! My name's ______ and, if it's still possible, I'd like to join the Hawaiian Club."
-- "Aloha! My name is ______ and I was wondering if its not too late to join the hawaii club?"

Why such an overwhelming response to be a part of our 'Ohana? Well, it's no secret. We live aloha, and we love our members. People notice, and they want to be a part of the family. They truly do. Here's a little story which reflects that:

Last Thursday at our Hawaiian Music workshop, a Japanese student walked past McKay 175 and seemed captivated by the 'ukulele and singing which filled the room. Our Hawaiian Club was learning "He Hawai'i Au," one of the songs we'll be singing at SongFest on Nov. 9th. Noticing her interest, we invited this Japanese student into our workshop where she was so touched by the music and the Aloha Spirit that she, too, wants to join!

It is truly amazing what "aloha" can do, and we would like to mahalo all of you who take time out of your busy schedules to be a valued part of our weekly workshops. Without your attendance and support, our 'ohana would be pau hana! (haha)

For those who haven't completed our short online survey yet, will you please do so now? This helps to ensure that your voice is heard in our 'ohana.

Whether we're singing Hawaiian mele (songs), jamming on the 'uke and guitar, dancing hula (to Hiki Mai or, perhaps, Noho Paipai), learning Hawaiian, getting a lomilomi massage, or just "talking story" and having a good time, we hope you can be a part of
these memories. On behalf of the Hawaiian Club Presidency, we're glad you're a part of our growing 'ohana!


Kale, Vice-President
BYUH Hawaiian Club - Fall 2007