We're more than just a club, we're an 'ohana...

Welina mai!

Mahalo for dropping in & welcome to BYUH Hawaiian Club's blog site. We hope you'll "surf" here often to check out the latest happenings with our H.C. 'Ohana!

Hawaiian Club Calendar

E Hele Mai! Please join us!


Weds. thru Fri., Sept. 23, 24, 25
10 am to 3 pm.
Aloha Ctr. Mall
Join our 'ohana for just $3 this semester.
Questions? Please email byuhhawaiianclub@gmail.com

Monday, October 8, 2007

Hawaiian Club Will Bring A New Twist to FoodFest This Year

FoodFest is right around the corner, and you know the Hawaiian Club's gonna represent! A few weeks ago, we submitted our tentative menu of kālua pig, lomi salmon, chicken long rice, white rice, laulau, squid lū'au, haupia, chocolate/white cake, canned fruit drinks, bottled water, cookies, and other baked goods to the BYUHSA.

For those unfamiliar with this BYUH tradition, FoodFest is a time when all of the Clubs come together (usually in the Little Circle) and sell their cultural foods. This Semester, FoodFest will be on Saturday, October 20th from 5-9 pm, and we're asking all of our 'Ohana to join us and to k
ōkua (help).

As with virtually everything we do as a Hawaiian Club 'ohana, we like to be original and innovative. Thanks to our creative genius, President Jacob Nihipali, we are working closely with the VP of BYUHSA Clubs to host our first-ever Haupia Eating Contest at FoodFest! Participants will come to the center stage and show off their Haupia Eating skills. (For those who don't know what haupia is, just look at the above picture...careful, don't drool now). But, of course, that's not all. We are also working with the President of Hikin
ō (the local clothing line soon to hit the BYUH Bookstore) for free gear to give out to our top 3 contestants! We're hoping he'll say, "Hikinō--can do!"

Again, mark your calendars for Saturday, October 20th from 5-9 pm. This will be a FoodFest you won't want to miss out on. 'Ono Hawaiian food and possibly free Hikin
ō gear? It doesn't get any better than this at FoodFest. Auwraiii!